<strong>Milan Food Waste Hub Study Tour</strong> 

The Milan Food Waste Hub Study Tour took place from June 27 to 29, 2023, with the purpose of inspiring, informing, and motivating senior city officials to implement ambitious climate actions by showcasing the Milan’s Food Waste Hub model to other cities dedicated to reducing food waste. The goal was to assist these cities in […]

Foody: zero food waste hub at the general wholesale market

Local Food Waste Hub

MUFPP & IURC Asia Pacific Food Policy Training: Food Waste

On Thursday, 15th  December 2022, the last webinar following each of the categories of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact under the umbrella of the Asia Pacific Food Policy Training was held, thanks to the cooperation between the MUFPP Secretariat and the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) programme. This time around the webinar focused […]

MUFPP & IURC Asia Pacific Food Policy Training: Food Supply & Distribution

On Friday, 18th  November 2022, the fifth of six webinars on each of the categories of Milan Urban Food Policy Pact under the umbrella Asia Pacific Food Policy Training was held, with the cooperation between the MUFPP Secretariat and the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) programme. The webinar focused on Food Supply & Distribution. […]

MUFPP at Commonwealth Food Futures 2022 in Birmingham

On 28-29 July the city of Birmingham, one of the MUFPP Steering Committee cities, hosted the Commonwealth Food Futures 2022, an international retreat to showcase how cities can create healthy and sustainable food systems, with top officials from 20 cities participating from the Commonwealth. Officers from Birmingham, Chandigarh, Durban, Indore, Jabulpur, Jammu, Johannesburg, Mongla, Mzuzu, […]

Seoul international urban food conference 2021

The 25th of October 2021 was held the second Seoul International Conference on Urban Food organized by Seoul municipality. Seoul is a signatory city of MUFPP and is currently representing the region of Asia Pacific in the MUFPP Steering Committee with the city of Bandung. The first one were delivered during the pandemic in 2020. […]

2018 Food Losses and Waste in European Cities

The main aim of the document is to share an overview on ongoing actions about food losses and waste in European Cities for a better understanding of the practices and the role that local authorities can play to support them. The aim of the present work is to elaborate an overview on the variety of […]

ICP follow up visit & EU-Asia Final Conference

On 27th March, the MUFPP welcomed a delegation of over 40 representatives from different governmental agencies of Singapore. The delegation, headed by Mr. Ngiam Shih Chun, Chief Executive at Energy Market Authority, spent the week in Milan to learn more about the city considering the many areas of common interests. The study visit was a […]

ICP – Singapore delegation

Within the framework of the International City Partnerships (ICP) Programme, we had the pleasure of hosting a delegation from Singapore at the beginning of June. The programme started back in February and has the aim of contributing to the improvement of quality of life in participating cities, by promoting sustainable and integrated urban development, through […]